About Us
Sandy Getman is the driving force behind the mission of Wheel to Walk. Having a granddaughter with Muscular Dystrophy, Sandy saw firsthand the difficulties one goes through to get the essential equipment needed to help with day-to-day activities. When Sandy's granddaughter was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of two, she knew there was nothing she could do about it, but had to DO something. She held her first fundraiser (a Holiday Luncheon, a tradition that continues today) and raised $400 dollars and was thrilled to be able to donate that money to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Since then, Wheel to Walk has flourished and places their focus on purchasing medical & adaptive equipment and therapy services for children with special needs so they can thrive and be the best of themselves.
Sandy is a former business owner, now retired, and devotes her time to Wheel to Walk and helping many children and their families.
Founding Board MembersSandy GetmanKelly HolbokeJill Foster
Advisory Board MembersCheryl Hettervig Gina Elia HaefnerTanner MaahsKen OttSusan Ott Heidi Tapasa Jennifer Wakayama Christine Getman (emeritus)
Since then, Wheel to Walk has flourished and places their focus on purchasing medical & adaptive equipment and therapy services for children with special needs so they can thrive and be the best of themselves.
Sandy is a former business owner, now retired, and devotes her time to Wheel to Walk and helping many children and their families.
Founding Board MembersSandy GetmanKelly HolbokeJill Foster
Advisory Board MembersCheryl Hettervig Gina Elia HaefnerTanner MaahsKen OttSusan Ott Heidi Tapasa Jennifer Wakayama Christine Getman (emeritus)
Executive Director, Sandy Getman with granddaughter, Christine Getman